舞者, 演员, 剧作家, 和 classical 和 jazz musicians—all have a home at 朱丽亚, where they receive training 和 mentorship from incomparable faculty 和 renowned guest artists, take advantage of unique interdisciplinary collaborations, 和 perform in iconic venues throughout New York City 和 beyond.
Now it’s your turn to join the generations of artists who have taken the leap to fulfill their dreams in the performing arts.
We encourage you to apply to one of 朱丽亚的 undergraduate or graduate programs 和 have provided the resources on this page to help you throughout the process. If you have additional questions, please feel free to reach out to (电子邮件保护). Our team is here to support you on your artistic journey, 和 we look forward to welcoming you into our community.
Associate Dean for Enrollment Management
Whether you are just starting your research into 朱丽亚 or are in the middle of submitting your undergraduate or graduate application, we look forward to connecting with you. We encourage you to reach out to us, 问我们问题, 参加我们的活动, 和 talk with your counselors 和 teachers. Wherever you decide to start, we'll be here for you along the way.
- Read the 2023-24 招生 Viewbook
- Read the latest 朱丽亚 news
- 探索 舞师
- 探索 戏剧分部
- 探索 音乐部门
- 了解 学费 和 金融援助
- Note that approximately 90 percent of students receive scholarships 和 financial support, 和 the following programs are 学费-free: 艺术家文凭s in Jazz, 音乐表演, 歌剧研究, 剧本创作, 和 弦乐四重奏 Studies; 音乐艺术博士; 历史性能; 和 美术硕士 in 代理.
- 未来的学生: 介绍你自己 和 sign up for the latest information on all things 朱丽亚
- 老师和辅导员: 注册获取信息 支持你的学生
- Attend a virtual or in-person campus tour
- 参加一个虚拟的信息会议
- 参加大学招聘会
- 有更多问题吗?? 询问招生官 or 问学生
- 戏剧性的事件
- 舞蹈活动
Application Deadlines 和 Auditions
Applications for college-level degrees 和 programs at esball世博 和 的 天津茱莉亚 School opened on 9月1日. If you are applying as an undergraduate or graduate student, please note your application deadline:
Deadlines for esball世博 (New York, USA)
- 演艺专业BFA或MFA: 11月1日前申请 (prescreened applicants), apply by December 1 (non-prescreened applicants)
- 歌剧研究硕士: 11月1日前申请
- 编剧广告: 11月15日前申请
- BFA舞蹈: 12月1日前申请
- 所有其他音乐学位: 12月1日前申请
Deadlines for 的 天津茱莉亚 School (Tianjin, China)
- MM in Instrumental 和 Chamber 音乐, 协作的钢琴, or Instrumental 和 Orchestral Studies: 12月15日前申请
Audition requirements, including prescreening 和 audition repertoire, can be found on our websites:
Audition dates are posted on our websites:
Other Opportunities at 朱丽亚
In addition to its undergraduate 和 graduate degrees 和 diplomas, 朱丽亚 offers many opportunities for students of all ages.
- 的 准备部门 includes Pre-College 和 the 音乐进修计划, two Saturday music programs for students ages 8-18. Click here to learn more about the 准备部门.
- 朱丽亚的 夏天的计划 for high school students includes the 夏季舞蹈集训 和 a growing lineup of music intensives. Click here to learn more about 夏天的计划.
- 每学期, 朱丽亚扩展 offers online 和 in-person courses in dance, drama, 和 music, open to everyone. Click here to browse the course catalog 和 enroll.