1. 你们在找什么样的表演专业的学生啊?
我们感兴趣的是好奇, passionate students who have the desire and ability to connect with the characters they play and an interest in telling stories that will affect an audience. We look for students who have the potential to benefit from training and will apply themselves to the work in their classes and rehearsals in a serious and committed way.
2. BFA和MFA培训有什么区别?
BFA students take a series of 文科 courses; MFA students take graduate seminars in a variety of topics related to theater. 然而, MFA and BFA students study and work together in studio classes (voice, 运动, 现场研究, 亚历山大健身术, 等.)及项目. 我们的表演节目在这方面是独一无二的, and our students express that this diversity of perspective and experience is one of its great strengths.
Whether you apply for a BFA or MFA is completely dependent on whether or not you have a Bachelor’s degree already:
- 的 美术学士学位 is for students who have not previously completed a four-year degree.
- 的 美术硕士学位 is for students who will have earned a four-year degree prior to enrolling at Juilliard.
Each entering class of 18 is comprised of 8 to 10 BFA and 8 to 10 MFA students. 一些博鳌亚洲论坛的学生刚刚高中毕业. 然而, 在任何一年, we might have BFA students in their 30’s and MFA students who are 22 and right out of college.
3. 你希望应聘者具备什么样的经验?
进入茱莉亚学院的学生背景各异. Some have gone to performing arts schools or majored in acting or theater; others come from a more general secondary or liberal arts education. 有些人对表演这门手艺还比较陌生. Many have been working in the profession and decide to return to school for further training.
4. 我可以做些什么准备?
We recognize that not all communities offer the same opportunities for an actor. 然而, we encourage you to engage with the arts in whatever ways you can. Auditioning for and acting in productions at school or in local theaters, 无论是社区还是专业人士, is, 当然, 伟大的经历. But you might also read plays for pleasure and visit art galleries or go to concerts either in person or online, 以及在运动或歌唱中寻找机会.
5. 我对音乐剧感兴趣. 你们的项目提供这方面的专业吗?
While the acting program is not specifically focused on musical theater, it provides three years of singing training beginning in the second year and also numerous courses in dance and 运动. Many of our productions provide opportunities for singing and 运动; in addition, 第三年, all actors perform in an evening of songs and musical numbers in our annual Cabaret. 当然, many of our graduates have made a substantial impact professionally in the field of musical theater.
If you are more interested in classical vocal training, we encourage you to look at the esball世博的声乐艺术系.
6. 我可以在多个部门上课吗?
戏剧部的课程非常严格, with classes and rehearsals from early morning to later evening. 因为日程安排的关系, it is not possible for students to take classes in more than one division. 会有, 然而, be multiple opportunities during your time here to exercise your abilities in dance or music, 包括演奏乐器.
你也会参与 跨学科合作 with students from the 跳舞 and 音乐 Divisions and interface with their stellar faculty.
7. Do you have any advice about the audition process and choosing pieces?
我们感兴趣的是发现你作为一个演员是谁. 选择你喜欢的作品, characters whose journeys you would like to live in for two minutes and whose stories you want to share with us. Don’t worry about finding a monologue that is rarely done; we want to see what you bring to good writing.
8. 我可以表演一段电影中的独白吗?
You may choose a contemporary monologue that comes from a screenplay or even that you have written yourself, but you should also prepare something from a published play.
9. 我搞不清这首古典乐曲中的韵文.
We ask that at least one of your classical pieces come from a play by Shakespeare and that at least one of them be in verse. You may prepare two pieces by Shakespeare or two pieces in verse. 然而, if, 例如, you choose to do a Shakespeare selection which is in prose, 你们应该准备第二首诗, 莎士比亚或其他作家的作品.
10. 我应该找个教练吗?
It is generally a good idea to rehearse your pieces in front of someone, 但没有必要聘请专业教练. 事实上, more applicants suffer from over-coaching – presenting a piece as a finished performance with fixed choices rather than as a living engagement with an imaginary partner. 我们看重的是潜力,而不是润色.
11. 这首歌有多重要?
Hearing you sing part of a song allows our faculty the opportunity to find out more about your vocal range and instrument. 入学不需要训练有素的歌喉. 事实上,并不是每个申请者都会被要求唱歌.
的 important thing is to choose a song you like in which you feel free to release your voice.
12. 我可以用吉他或其他乐器伴奏吗?
In order to create equity amongst applicants, we ask that you sing unaccompanied (没有乐器伴奏的).
If you come to Juilliard, you will have many opportunities to employ all your musical skills.
13. 你们接受转学生吗?
We do accept quite a few students who have studied elsewhere for a period of time; 然而, they enter Juilliard as first-year students and complete the full four-year program, 从秋天开始. 一月份没有转会.
14. Do you allow applicants who were not offered admission on their first attempt to reapply?
是的. We welcome re-applicants and quite often have students come into the program after a second audition. A further year of training and experience can make a difference.
15. 我可以申请几次?
应用程序的最大尝试次数为4次. 例如, an actor could apply twice as a BFA applicant and then return after completing an undergraduate degree to apply twice as an MFA applicant.
16. What is a day in the life of an acting student like at Juilliard?
看到我们的 茱莉亚戏剧-生命中的一天 视频的主角是48组成员洛伦佐·杰克逊.