Juilliard Entrepreneurship Symposium
一年一度的茱莉亚创业研讨会旨在促进对话, learning, 以及茱莉亚学院学生和校友之间的联系. Established in 2018, 研讨会的重点是创业技能:将一个想法转化为有价值的东西,为你自己和你的社区创造机会. Presented by the Alan D. Marks Center for Career Services & Entrepreneurship and the Office of Alumni Relations, the symposium features guest speakers, workshops, 以及由茱莉亚学院校友和艺术界其他领袖领导的演讲.
2024 Symposium
July 24, 2024: Creativity as Business
2024年茱莉亚创业研讨会:创意作为商业现已开放注册! Join the Office of Alumni Relations and the Alan D. Marks Center for Career Services and Entrepreneurship virtually July 24 from noon to 5pm ET for this year’s symposium. There is no cost to attend this event. You can register for free at the button below.
2024年的研讨会建立在三个领域,解决艺术和创业融合的空间:社区, creative process, and business acumen.
艺术家们是如何利用他们的创造能力来娱乐的, forge strong communities, and establish successful organizations?
What business models allow communal artistic projects to thrive?
Symposium attendees will explore critical questions, techniques, 以及让我们所有人都能找到职业机会并开拓新道路的做法.
How the Event Will Run
所有的会议都将在Zoom上进行虚拟呈现,无法亲自观看. 研讨会将于中午以主题演讲开始,鼓励所有与会者参加. After that panel concludes, 全天将有六个不同的会议供您参加. Zoom links to each session are provided in the digital program, and you are welcome to jump around to different sessions.
Please email [email protected] with any questions.
Keynote speakers: Max Woertendyke (Drama Group 44), Charles Yang (BM '11, MM '13, violin), and Sabrina Berry (BFA ‘94, dance)
Presenters: Heather Bixler (MM ’91, violin), Yuri Cataldo (Professional Apprentice Program ’05, costumes), Olivia Cosío (MM ’20, voice), Alex Jones (BFA ’15, dance), Jee-Hoon Krska (Pre-College ’86, piano), Moscelyne ParkeHarrison (BFA ’19, dance), Renate Tsuyako Rohlfing (MM ’12, collaborative piano), and Sarah Wells (Professional Apprentice Program ’17, drama division).
2023 Symposium
July 13, 2023: Innovation Through Collaboration
2023年的研讨会聚焦于21世纪教育的四个“C”:合作, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. 每次我们都会问听众:这些在成功的职业生涯中是如何体现的? How do we build, strengthen, and flex these skills as artists? Attendees explored critical questions, techniques, 以及让我们所有人都能找到职业机会并打造一条新的前进道路的实践.
研讨会以马修·奥库因(2014年研究生文凭)中午的主题演讲开始, composition), Donald Borror (BFA ’10, dance), and Zack Winokur (BFA ’12, dance). 主题演讲之后,全天有六个不同的会议. 会议由以下校友和行业领袖领导:埃里克·克里斯蒂安·彼得森(2004届mba), viola); Emily Duncan (MM ’18, flute) and Gloria Yin; Lisa Spector (BM ’83, piano); Amy Stafford (BFA ’06, drama); Gabrielle Salvatto (BFA ’11, dance), Clara Superfine, and Alyah Baker; and Oskar Yao (BCJ exchange ’13; MM ’16, piano). 程序中提供了每个会议的缩放链接,欢迎与会者跳转到同时发生的不同会议. 在学习如何定义21世纪的艺术时,所有人都被鼓励做笔记并提出问题.
2022 Symposium
July 20, 2022: Thriving in the Arts
2022年的研讨会探讨了创造和定义我们的艺术生涯. 每次演讲,我们都会问观众:作为艺术家,我们该如何生存? How do we create success on our own terms? How can we make space for others to thrive along with us? Attendees explored critical questions, techniques, 以及能够让他们找到职业机会并创造新的前进道路的实践.
研讨会在中午以茱莉亚·布洛克(15年艺术家文凭)为主题演讲开始, opera studies), Nigel Campbell (BFA ’08, dance), and Drew Forde (MM ’16, viola). 主题演讲之后,全天有10个不同的会议, led by the following alumni and industry leaders: Jerome Butler (Group 12); Drew Alexander Forde (MM ’16, viola) and Cristina Spinei (Pre-College ’02; BM ’06, MM ’08, composition); Jessica Garand (MM ’12, viola); Katherine Lim (BM ’17, MM ’19, violin), Mosa Tsay (MM ’18, cello), and Eric Silberger (Pre-College ’07; BCJ Exchange ’11, MM ’13, violin); Exhale to Inhale; Alyah Baker, Antuan Byers, Gabrielle Salvatto (BFA ’11, dance), and Clara Superfine; Tammy Coil Moore (BM ’06, voice); Tanya Kalmanovitch (BM ’92, viola); Liam Day (MM ’07, trumpet) and Gabriel Lee; and Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson, Andrew Munn (Graduate Diploma ’18, voice), and Ivàn Enrique Rodríguez (MM ’19, DMA ’24, composition). 程序中提供了每个会议的缩放链接,欢迎与会者跳转到同时发生的不同会议.
2021 Symposium
July 21, 2021: In Collaboration With FENDI
COVID-19对娱乐业的影响让许多艺术家想知道如何重新开始他们的旅程. We found hope in our creativity, and as the world began entering a sense of normalcy, we looked to furthering ourselves and our mission. As artists we are entrepreneurs, 我们继续寻找创新的方式来推动我们的激情向前发展. 这场虚拟研讨会是与茱莉亚学院校友和FENDI领导层进行的一次特殊的跨行业对话,他们分享了他们的知识,并提供了创新和创业精神如何与创造性成功联系在一起的现实案例, to help our audience further their professional career.
主题演讲由Andrea Miller (BFA ' 04,舞蹈),Ulysses Owens Jr .. (BM ’06, jazz studies), and FENDI Americas president Joanna Dubin; afternoon breakout sessions were led by Anthony Barfield (BM '08, trombone); Arnaud Sussmann (BM '05, MM '07, violin); and Armando Braswell (BFA ’06, dance) and Joanne Tucker (Group 38).
2020 Symposium
June 24 and June 25, 2020
For the first virtual Entrepreneurship Symposium, two free sessions were hosted over the course of two days, each including keynote discussions and Q&As.
6月24日的会议名为“家庭录音室”,重点展示了如何创建家庭录音室,并为虚拟课程实现最佳声音, audition tapes, or performance projects. 旁白演员Amy Ward Stafford(第35组), Unison Orchestra co-founder Lisa Liu (Diploma '96, BM '00, MM '02, violin), and Grammy award-winning recording engineer Brad Haehnel.
6月25日的会议题为“倡导创业精神”,探讨了艺术家如何通过创业努力来支持他们的信念. Session attendees were joined by Nigel Campbell (BFA ’08, dance) and Chanel DaSilva (BFA '08, dance), 是谁共同创立了MOVE NYC,并以在舞蹈行业内外培养更大的多样性和公平性为使命.
2019 Symposium
June 27, 2019
For the second annual Entrepreneurship Symposium, 校友们被鼓励与他们的校友联系,以扩大他们在社区参与领域的资源, social media/networking, innovative programming, and legal issues in the performing arts. 研讨会包括与艺术顾问和前IMG艺术家执行埃德娜·兰道的主题讨论, 随后是午餐和四次40分钟的分组讨论,由德鲁·福德(Drew Forde)主持, viola), Karen Cueva (BM '13, MM '15, violin), Conrad Tao* (Pre-College '11, piano), and Amy Lehman, Esq. (director of legal services at Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts).
*Denotes that this alum is an Arnhold Creative Associate
2018 Symposium
October 28, 2018
In our inaugural symposium, 我们的目标是将最近的校友与受众发展领域的扩大资源联系起来, marketing/networking, programming, and legal issues in the performing arts. 本次研讨会由纽约爱乐乐团创意合作伙伴Nadia Sirota* (BM ' 04)主持, MM ’06, viola; ’08 Academy) followed by lunch and four 30-minute breakout sessions on individual topics with alumni including Victoria Pollack (Group 46), Aaron Severini (BM ’15, MM ’17, composition), Ulysses Owens (BM ’06, jazz studies), and Amy Lehman, Esq., director of legal services at Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts.
*Denotes that this alum is an Arnhold Creative Associate