
学期日历 & 日程安排



The summer semester begins Tuesday, May 28 and ends Tuesday, August 27.

Please see individual course listings for specific start and end dates.


Extension Division classes will not be held on the following dates:






参观 朱丽亚招生 页面 and select Extension Division for the current semester to begin your application. 完成申请是不收费的.

Tuesday, May 21; 5pm ET
Monday, May 20; 5pm ET
Monday, May 20; 5pm ET
Friday, June 14; 5pm ET
Friday, June 14; 5pm ET
Monday, May 13; 5pm ET
Monday, June 3; 5pm ET
Friday, June 28; 5pm ET
Monday, May 13; 5pm ET


查看路线和其他信息,请单击 在这里.

茱莉亚学院的扩展政策和程序 & 必需的信息

我们强烈建议您至少在课程开始前一周在线注册,以确保您在第一次课程之前收到所有必要的信息. If you do not register at least one week in advance, 我们不能保证您能够在课程的第一次会议上访问所有元素和/或如果您注册了一个面对面的课程,可以访问Irene Diamond大楼. 安排预约 鼓励亲身报名. Please always wear masks when visiting the 朱丽亚扩展 Welcome Center.


朱丽亚扩展 students can register for classes as follows: 

  • Online by creating a student profile through Okta,我们安全的单点登录平台.

  • Over the phone by calling our office during open hours, Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm ET at (212) 799-5000 ext. 273. 请注意,我们的办公室在6月至8月的星期五休息.

  • In person by visiting the 朱丽亚扩展 Welcome Center during open hours

Our Welcome Center is located at the 155 W 65th Street entrance on the street level, 在电梯的右边. 

Welcome Center Open: Monday through Thursday, 1-5pm. Please note, the Welcome Center is closed on Thursdays during June-August.


If a faculty member should cancel a class session due to an emergency or an illness, 拓展部办公室将尝试通过电子邮件和Canvas与该班的学生联系. 当老师回到课堂时, he or she will schedule a make-up session with the students.



学费 and fees must be paid in full at the time of registration. Please note that the Extension Division is a nonmatriculated program. We do not offer scholarships or federal, or state funding.

学费 paid with debit or credit card is subject to a convenience fee. 学生可以使用我们的在线注册系统以支票支付,以避免支付便利费. 我们也接受信用卡/借记卡, 检查, and cash for in-person registration at our Welcome Center during open hours. 

  • 课程: 参见个别课程列表
  • 注册费用: $35 per semester (nonrefundable; applied once per semester)
  • 练习室使用费: $150 per semester (nonrefundable; optional; only available for piano, 吉他, and voice students)
  • 图书馆借阅费: $40 per semester (nonrefundable; optional)
    Library will NOT be available to use for Summer 2024



For information regarding accessibility for the disabled, 请发电子邮件至外延部办公室 (电子邮件保护).


Students who wish to withdraw from a course must send an email to (电子邮件保护). No telephone requests for withdrawals will be accepted. 停止上课或通知讲师不构成正式退学. 取消付款不构成撤回或减少对茱莉亚学院的财务义务. A $25 fee will be charged for returned and stop-payment 检查.

对于5节或5节以上的课程,我们提供75%和50%的部分退款. 然而, 所有的课程, 不管有多少个单独的类, are eligible for a full refund based on the notification schedule outlined below.

退课并不一定使学生有权获得退款或取消仍然到期的学费. Refunds are processed within 10 days of receiving written notice. 退款从收到书面提款通知之日起计算,并按如下方式发放:

  • 全额退还学费 for withdrawals submitted prior to the first class
  • 75%的学费退还 for withdrawals submitted between the first and second class
  • 50%的学费退还 for withdrawals submitted between the second and third class
  • 学费不予退还 第三节课后提交的退课

茱莉亚学院保留询问的权利, 由其自行决定, a student to withdraw from a class if he or she causes a disruption to a class, 给指导员, 或是茱莉亚学院的工作人员. 破坏行为可能成为学校拒绝招收学生参加后续扩展部课程和/或拒绝进入esball世博大楼的理由.


The following discounts are applicable to Extension Division students. Please do not assume we have your discount information on record. 折扣不能追溯. 折扣不能合并.

老年人 (65岁及以上)6节以上课程的学费可打九折. 可能需要年龄证明. 折扣不适用于费用.


茱莉亚鼓掌协会会员 在Accolade Circle(2美元),500+)或更高水平的学生,6节以上课程的学费可享受25%的折扣. 折扣不适用于费用. 完成 茱莉亚会员折扣表格 以获得您的折扣.

林肯中心企业基金 lccf成员组织中拥有行政级别或更高级别会员资格的员工,在6节以上课程的学费上可享受10%的折扣. 请联系 (电子邮件保护) 看看你的组织是否有资格. Must verify employment status from your company email address. 折扣不适用于费用.


朱丽亚校友 (College and Preparatory) receive a 50 percent discount on tuition for 所有的课程. 折扣不适用于费用. 完成 茱莉亚学院校友折扣表格 以获得您的折扣.


朱丽亚的员工 (全职员工和教职员工)在所有课程的学费上获得100%的折扣. 折扣不适用于费用. 完成 茱莉亚员工折扣表 以获得您的折扣.


All students require a Juilliard identification card for entrance into the school. 只有在楼里上课或有图书馆或练习室的茱莉亚学院扩展学院的学生才被允许进入. To receive a Juilliard identification card, complete the 在线表单.

即使学生目前没有入学,也应保留其永久照片身份证. When students re-enroll, their ID cards will be reactivated automatically. Students may not use their ID cards to swipe guests into the building.

带照片的身份证是永久卡. You will never need to get a new one (unless you lose it). 即使你几年没有注册,一旦你再次注册,该卡也会重新激活. 这是50美元.换身份证的费用是00英镑.


Practice room facilities are available to students enrolled in piano, 吉他, 只上声乐表演课, 每学期150美元的不可退还费用. Practice rooms are located on the fourth and fifth floors, and 朱丽亚扩展 students are restricted to practice during the following hours:

Monday-Friday 5-11pm
周日11 am-11pm

Practice rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis. 符合条件并选择并支付了练习室特权的学生必须使用练习室预订系统预订房间. 请注意,我们不能保证在上面列出的时间有房间可用. Food, beverages, and smoking are not permitted in the practice rooms. 请点击 在这里 了解更多信息.


欢迎获准进入大楼的学生在莱拉·艾奇逊·华莱士图书馆(朱丽亚.edu/library),位于五楼. 如果你想查看书籍或分数并在线访问JUILCAT Plus,你必须注册一个完整学期的课程,并支付不可退还的40美元图书馆费. Borrowing privileges do not include CD recordings. Library access ends on the last day of the 朱丽亚扩展 semesters. 工作时间如下:

Monday-Thursday 8:30am-9pm

Library will NOT be available to use for Summer 2024

未支付的图书馆罚款可能会阻止学生注册或收到成绩单. 遗失图书和分数应立即向图书馆报告,防止逾期罚款累积. 遗失材料需支付现期重置费用,外加30美元服务费. No food or drink may be brought into the library.


学分课程的内容和学分设计与茱莉亚学院学部提供的本科课程平行. 尽管茱莉亚扩展学院不提供获得学位或文凭的课程, 学生可以申请将获得的学分转到esball世博或其他地方的本科课程. Students receive a letter grade at the end of each semester. 

成绩单 must be requested through the National Clearinghouse. 朱丽亚扩展 (Evening Division) transcripts may be requested through this 页面.  

关于扩展学分的通知:接受茱莉亚学院扩展课程的学分完全由学生申请的机构自行决定. 如果学生申请的机构不接受在扩展部课程中获得的学分, the student may be required to repeat some or all of the coursework at the institution. 学生应与学校联系确认,以确保他们的扩展部课程学分将被接受. 


特定课程需要申请. 学生应在网上申请. 请参阅“日历” & 日程安排,” the department 页面s, or individual courses for application links.

经教师预先批准的返校学生,如果希望下学期继续上课,必须在预定的申请截止日期前注册并全额支付学杂费. The office will contact these students with further details on completing enrollment. Spots are not held for returning students who miss the preregistration deadline; openings are given to applicants, and remaining spots are given to students on the waiting list, 如果适用的话.


All 朱丽亚扩展 courses operate through Canvas, 茱莉亚在线学习管理系统. Canvas is w在这里 you will be able to access your course information, Zoom会议(在线课程), 施舍, 作业, 还有其他资源. 无论您是面对面还是在线,您都可以访问并可能需要使用Canvas.

要访问Canvas,请登录您的Okta帐户. Your Okta account username is your primary email address. Once logged in, click the Canvas tile to automatically redirect into the platform. 进入Canvas后,您所注册的课程将出现在仪表板上. Your courses will be published one week prior to the first class. 您的导师可能会在接近第一次课程时与您联系,提供针对您课程的更详细信息. 




For further assistance with and FAQs about Canvas, please visit the 朱丽亚扩展 Student 信息rmation and Technology Help Page.


For further assistance with and FAQs about Canvas and Zoom, please visit the 朱丽亚扩展 Student 信息rmation and Technology Help Page.


All 朱丽亚扩展 students must familiarize themselves with the 学生手册 并遵守其政策.